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Discover the Enchanting Pink Dragon Millipede of "Hup Pa Tat"

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

The Enchanting Pink Dragon Millipede l Original photo by l Edited by
The Enchanting Pink Dragon Millipede l Original photo by l Edited by

The Enchanting Pink Dragon Millipede l The only pink dragon in the world at "Hup Pa Tat", in the protected area of Tham Prathun Non-hunting Area, Lan Sak District, which stands out from the mystical beauty of this ancient forest.

Hup Pa Tat looks like an ancient forest that is rich in "Tat trees" or "Tao trees" (Arenga pinrata), palm plants. The leaves are lobes spreading wide. Likes to grow in the rain forest area with a cool, humid climate, dense conditions.

The part that is regarded as a magnet that attracts people to want to experience is the atmosphere of this ancient forest, reminiscent of movies about dinosaurs. Because here is full of charm with dense tar trees spreading shady leaves In the middle of the valley, there is a large cave alcove that can walk through to each other. and on the way to see inside still have to walk through a dark cave through the lush, moist forest and the abundance of this forest It also makes a variety of animals live, especially the "pink dragon millipede", which can only be found in this forest valley, the only place in the world. "Pink dragon millipede" (Shocking pink millipede) was discovered by members of the millipede lovers club. In May 2007, we met for the first time at Hup Pa Tat. Tham Prathun Non-hunting Area Uthai Thani Province and found only in Thailand in the world


ฺBy Updated May 8, 2023 16:04 pm TH

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