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Sexy model AI shakes the industry "OnlyFans" in 2023

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

Sexy model picture generated by AI
Sexy model picture generated by AI l Photo by twitter

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to a controversial trend: the creation of AI sexy models. These virtual beings, generated using advanced AI algorithms, aim to emulate attractive human-like features. However, this development raises concerns regarding ethics, objectification, and the potential impact on societal norms.

Sexy model picture generated by AI

Today, we explore the work of an AI-generated Twitter account called @DearTaichi, lovingly referred to as TaMu. This account showcases the limitless possibilities of AI-generated images, which can surpass the limitations of real people. Unlike real individuals who require time to prepare and capture photos,

Sexy model picture generated by AI

Sexy model picture generated by AI

AI can quickly produce images without much preparation. As a result, these images often feature nudity or underwear, providing eye candy for enthusiasts to enjoy more frequently.


By Updated May 29, 2023 23.39 am TH

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