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Starfield interesting details. How to farm money in 2023-2024


1.Spaceship : This part will be a guide on the main ship and will be divided into several parts.

Starfield interesting details. How to farm money in 2023-2024
Starfield interesting details. How to farm money in 2023-2024

1. Accept the quest board Hunt Thieves. Go hunt thieves and collect weapons, armor, and helmets to sell. Per round you get an average of 20k+

2. The crafting of various items has a condition that the Special Project skill must be full 4 because you can craft special items and then sell them to shops per piece at a relatively high price. (But I don't recommend it because later in the game you use a lot of these parts.)

Starfield interesting details. How to farm money in 2023-2024

3. Upgrade gun customization skills They decorate their outfits to the fullest extent, taking the trashy white items and decorating them to add value and then selling them. Which is not recommended because it wastes resources.

4.Craft medicine and food to sell This one is recommended to be done together with number 1. because there is a lot of food and medicine in the thieves' base. It's better than wasting it, taking it for yourself, it only increases hp by 3-25, can't fight with just one med pack. The only good thing is the added buff which is very little except for the food eating skill which is full 4 which will boost the stat by another 50% which is still very little.

Starfield interesting details. How to farm money in 2023-2024

5. The way of a thief, robs every piracy ship that comes across (except for the UC and Free Ranger ships that are in groups) and then sells the items and upgrades the Pickpocket skill, then goes and traps pickpockets of people in the Residental District. New Atlantis This way is a bit risky but very quick.

6. Open the console and type the command as above. But I don't recommend it because it makes the enjoyment of playing much less (millions of chickens)

7. Upgrade Zology to full and then go kill aliens on any planet. It will randomly drop two items that sell for 175 and 320. Then take them to the shop or sell them. You can give it to Niah at The Lodge.

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